Nos Services


Depuis plus de 100 ans nous travaillons à l’amélioration de notre process, à l’intégration de l’ensemble des opérations de fabrication à notre chaîne de valeur et à sa modernisation constante. Notre but est de fournir à nos clients les meilleures fixations disponibles sur le marché. Pour ce faire nous nous appuyons sur les opérations suivantes

Wire drawing reduces the cross-section of a metal wire by mechanical traction. This enables us to obtain the desired wire diameter and improve our flexibility.

Frappe à chaud ou Frappe à froid

The stamping operation consists in forming the head and body of the part, hot for the most resistant metals and cold for the most ductile metals. Following this operation, the parts undergo an initial intermediate inspection.

Traitement thermique

During this operation, previously stamped parts are heated to a certain temperature and then cooled more or less rapidly. The aim of this operation is to modify the physical, mechanical and chemical properties of the parts (improved mechanical strength, for example).

Galetage, Perçage, Roulage, rectification

The screws are then sent to our Moroccan production facilities for peening, drilling and cold working.

Galetting: Non-cutting method that smoothes and hardens parts

Drilling: Depending on the standard ordered, certain parts must be drilled (on the head or body of the screw).

Cold Working: Mechanical deformation of the part to give it the desired thread.

Grinding: This is the last stage carried out in our Moroccan workshops. The aim of this operation is to improve the surface finish of the screws.

Traitement de surface

The parts then pass through our surface treatment lines to protect them against corrosion.

Inspection finale

The purpose of this operation is to complete all the intermediate inspection operations previously carried out. During this operation, the main characteristics of our parts are tested (fatigue strength, corrosion resistance, part geometry, etc.).


Our parts are then sent to our logistics centers for preparation and dispatch to our customers.